The last 10 years has seen OSSU and its distributed network of 14 research centres of excellence across Ontario become a catalyst for empowering and enhancing patient-oriented research. Such research infrastructure and know-how is fundamental for achieving healthcare’s quintuple aim (improved patient experiences, provider experiences, better patient outcomes, lower costs, and overall health equity). Importantly, equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) as a cross-cutting enabler has been established in all of OSSU’s work and operations as an essential component of how to create and deliver patient-oriented research for a person-centred learning health system. Through OSSU’s Phase II pillars of Data Platforms, Patient Engagement, Capacity Development, and Learning Health Systems, OSSU strives to bridge the gap between evidence and practice in Ontario by aligning its expertise and resources with health care needs and priorities in the Ministry of Health and province. As OSSU works towards a research-informed, patient-centred learning health system, key leaders will reflect on Ontario’s shift in research culture over the past 10 years and illuminate OSSU’s impact and outstanding challenges in the areas of data, patient engagement, and learning health systems. Such reflections and insights will be key to understanding how OSSU builds a sustainable equity-driven, patient-oriented research ecosystem that impacts Ontario’s health policy, health system, and health outcomes.